
SKATING: Thursday Night Session - 'Keep It Local' Gallery

The young bucks were out skating the little launch box, and filming clips with their camera. The older cats got a session popping off on the middle box in the back bowl. Tricks were laced, pics were taken, progress was made, and good times were had. Check out the entire gallery.

FYI - Thursday Night skate happens weekly (unless it's raining) at the Taft, CA skate park. (10th & Kern st, 93268) All bladers are always invited.

AVAILABLE NOW: Razors SL 1 Skates - Custom or Boot Only

Chad Tannehill is pictured above, riding a set of custom Razors SL 1 skates. Get your own unique set up, at the lowest price, by calling 661-323-6293 or emailing intuitionskateshop@hotmail.com.

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